Tag Archives: Kiokoh Mulwa



Success and happiness in life is all about being the best ‘You’ that you can be.

Authenticity is often overlooked component of happiness.

Many people give in to their need for the approval of others. They are happy to change their behavior and act against their values and beliefs in order to gain the approval of others.

However, you can never be truly happy by seeking approval because in gaining the approval, you are rejecting yourself.

Instead, it is best to stay true to yourself and to give yourself permission to follow your own path.

The following tips will show you how you can become the best you possible.

Tip One:
Give yourself permission to have dreams and goals in your life, regardless of what your family and friends may say or think. If you want to learn how to climb a mountain, go skydiving one day, or spend hours painting just go for it.

Tip Two:
Remember that you own your life and that you have only one life. Life is too short to keep putting things off until next week or next year. Start making plans that will help you fulfill your dreams.

Tip Three:
Write out your dreams and desires on paper. This will help them feel more real to you. Then go through your list and place them in order. Have the one you want to do first on top.

Tip Four:
Start planning out how you will achieve your dream. Do you need to learn a new skill? Take certain lessons? Or you may have to save up the cash for it.

Tip Five:
Create a plan of action of things that you can do immediately that will help you reach your dream. It can often help to break down larger goals into much smaller ones. This way they become more manageable and easier to attain.

Tip Six:
Stay motivated and on track with reaching your goal. Don’t let others dissuade you from your dream.

Tip Seven:
Stay realistic with your dream. Ensure that your end goal is something that you can actually achieve. There is no point in dreaming of climbing a mountain if you are terrified of heights!

Tip Eight:
Be authentic to those who try to stop you in your tracks. Listen to their objections and then counter them with an action plan. If you map out your steps to reach your goal and can clearly show this to others, objections will become fewer as time goes on.

Tip Nine:
While reaching your dreams will help fulfill your life, you don’t want to lose your friends and family over it. Take time to discuss your plans with anyone who is concerned. After all they do have your best interests at heart.

Tip Ten:
Ensure that your goal is something you really want. Don’t do anything out of spite just to prove a point to someone. Open up your heart and your feelings and let those tugs pull you in the right direction.
The very first step in goal setting is to clearly define your purpose i.e. who you really are and what you are trying to achieve with your life.

Each goal should help you be congruent with your purpose and help you to live your purpose.

Be the goal in the relationship

imagesIt’s not realistic to expect that every relationship that we have will be perfect.
In fact, it’s not realistic to expect that any relationship we have would be perfect.
There will always be problems; there will always be difficulties which need to be overcome.
The tendency when we have a problem in a relationship is to look at the other person and think it’s their fault that that things aren’t going the way you want them to go but that’s a very one-sided look at a relationship.
Whatever it is you want more of in a relationship you need to be the one that shows that quality. If it’s honesty, if it’s kindness, if it’s inclusion or anything else you need to demonstrate those values. If you want to see more of those values; you need to be the one that puts them into relationships because then you’re sure that those values are there but it also serves as an example for the other person(s) or ​in those relationships so they can follow suit.
So whatever the problem in the relationship is, always assume that you’re not putting enough of that into the relationship. Whatever is missing, strive to push more of it in. Even if you think you’re already being kind; ask yourself ‘how can I be kinder?’​
​When you put more of ​a specific quality into the relationship, you will almost always see the other person reciprocate.

Why you must forget about FAIRNESS

DSCF5751I always believed in treating others fairly.

Perhaps as a natural consequence of this, I expected others to treat me fairly.

This caused me a lot of emotional pain because many people didn’t treat me in a way which I believed to be fair.

It was devastating for my confidence and self-esteem until I read a beautiful piece by Dr. Wayne Dyer, where he stated there was no such thing as fairness.

It suddenly dawned on me that everybody had a different definition for fairness.

If everybody’s definition is different, then there really isn’t any such thing as fairness.

There are just standards and values we choose to live by.

And, you cannot demand that others live by your standards.

When you accept that standards and values are not universal, you don’t get upset by perceived unfairness.

You simply accept that others are living by their own values and standards, as is their right, and they may not be a good fit for you.

If you find their standards unpalatable, you can of course choose to speak up or, even remove them from your life.

Values and standards are essential for communication, happiness, self-esteem, confidence and success.

They determine what you expect from yourself and what you will accept from others.

You just need to have clearly defined values and standards.



I give thanks to you, O Lord,


For what you’ve blessed me with
The abundance of the blessings
From heaven that you give


For I have all received from you
The abundance from your hand
In many varied and different ways,
You’ve blessed us in this land

I only need to look around
At what you, Lord, have given,
To see the many blessings I have
And see your full provision


So, Lord, to you I give our thanks
With full and grateful hearts,
The blessing of family, friends and love
And just for who you are.


Teach people how to treat you

Some people can cause us a lot of problems in our daily lives:

  • They treat us badly
  • They speak badly to us
  • They try to dump work on us
  • They delay us by not getting their work done on time
  • They interrupt us repeatedly

And a whole lot more.

It is easy to blame the other person for these problems but there is a simple truth we are ignoring – we teach people how to treat us.

Today’s article explains this in greater detail.

Check it out here

If you enjoy the article, please share to your social media.

Have a fantastic weekend…


Tame social media and focus on the important stuff

If you want to be as productive as possible, you need to eliminate distractions. You live in a busy world where there are so many things competing for your attention. If you don’t learn to control these potential distractions, you end up jumping from one thing to another without ever really finishing anything. 2 things above all else have made distractions worse than ever – the smart phone and social media. These things have meant that we don’t ever have to be out of touch. We can always be contacted. But just because we always can be contacted it doesn’t mean that we should always allow ourselves to be contacted. I will tackle smart phones in a later article but today I want to focus on taming social media.

Why taming social media is important

Taming social media is important because social media is highly addictive but adds little or no real value to your life. I am a firm believer in the 80/20 principle whereby very few of the things which you do daily, produce the majority of the positive outcomes in your life. In other words, the majority of the things we do daily, add little or no value. I invite you to take a proper look at your social media usage to determine the time you spend on it versus the value you receive from it.

If you are honest with yourself, you will find that:

  • You spend more time on social media than you had realized, and;
  • You get far less value from social media than you had thought

The social media zombie

During your typical day, how many people do you see who are glued to their smart phone. Their head is down; they have no idea what is going on around them and they probably have a cramp in their thumb from scrolling through their Facebook or Twitter feed. We are creating a generation of people who lack the social skills to survive in the real world. They are more concerned with the lives of their imaginary online friends than they are concerned with the lives of their real-world friends.

I have become more concerned in recent times by the frequency with which I walk into businesses and receive poor service because the staff are focused their social media accounts rather than the customers who pay their wages….


For this and more visit  LIFE COACH


The Brand New You Kickstarter

Happiness and true success in life comes from being true to who you are.

It is difficult to believe that when advertising keeps telling us that we are insufficient and thus, we need whatever product it is they are selling us.

But you really can live your life from the inside out.

Identify your purpose and be determined to pursue it.

Live true to your values so that whatever the outcomes you experience, you can be confident and comfortable that you made the right decisions.

Build your self-esteem to the point where you love and respect yourself; even when things are not going your way.

And, have the confidence to pursue any goal or objective, knowing in your heart and soul that you really can achieve it.

This isn’t just a pipe dream.

You will be at your happiest and most successful when you choose to live your life from the inside out.

You can start to take charge of your life and live from the inside out with the Brand New You Kickstarter.

But you need to take advantage of this offer before time runs out:

The Brand New You Kickstarter


To secure ourselves against defeats lies in our own hands but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself…. Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat…
Security Against defeat implies defensive tactics; ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive….. He who cannot conquer takes the defensive…


To secure ourselves against defeats lies in our own hands but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself…. Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat…
Security Against defeat implies defensive tactics; ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive….. He who cannot conquer takes the defensive…


Your path to success is something which you must create for yourself. Nobody else can really tell you what will make you happy and; nobody can tell you the best way for you to go about creating the life you really want.

You must decide your own destination and create your own path for getting there i.e. your path to success. You path to success should be narrow and direct; requiring as few actions as possible while eliminating a great deal of the stress, frustration and conflict which comes with performing tasks which add no real value to your life.