


The man himself, Albert Einstein, the brain above all others, had a formula for success as well. It simply states the following:

If A equals success, then the formula is: A=X+Y+Z.

X is work.

Y is play.

Z is keep your mouth shut.

This “Brain Wrenching Formula” was what Einstein believed you needed and it consisted of only a few elements.

“Keeping your mouth shut” was possibly Einstein’s ‘KEY’ element of his formula for success.

  • Knowing when not talk and when to listen was vital.
  • Listen to others.
  • Listen to yourself.
  • Listen to nature.
  • Listen to the inner power.

We all love hearing our own voice. It has a certain ring to it and makes up feel important. But that is mostly vanity and self enrichment. To Einstein self enrichment should never be the reason for seeking success.

Einstein, however, was not someone who did a lot of talking. He simply did his work, a bit of playing and a bit of talking. Einstein felt that we should all concentrate on contributing value to society as a whole, and to stop chasing success. By contributing to society in a meaningful way, success was possible.

Aristotle put it in context for us when he stated – The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

It also depended on what you defined as success. Ensuring that we feel important is not what success is. Contributing towards success for the betterment of society as a whole was true success to him, and if anybody should know, Einstein should.

We need to find “That Thing” what we truly love doing and make that our vocation – our work – our labor of love. In others words – If our vocation felt like a vacation, then you have found your niche in life and there would be a universe filled with happy people.

Once again, Aristotle, the master Greek philosopher stated it well by stating; – Where your talents and the needs of the world cross; there lies your vocation.

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